Thursday, January 11, 2007


From the Lighthouse Keeper 7.02

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers, all!

I don’t know about you, but I have been busy lately, and I have felt really blessed lately.

I am very excited about the Bible-Based Money Management Seminar that our church is hosting for the next three Wednesdays. I think about times when I’ve known that events were going to happen and I kind of dragged my feet half-heartedly to the event, and found that God had some incredible blessing for me in spite of me. So if you’re dragging your feet on this one, give it a shot. I firmly believe God will bless you and this fellowship if you come and participate. If I didn’t believe that I’d be a liar, and that’s just not one thing that I am. I hope you’re able to make a way to find out for yourself.

I spent Thursday afternoon at Valley Forge Christian College at their Job Fair, talking to some students about our need for a children’s minister. I had some blessed conversations, friends, and I’d like to ask you to pray for three individuals that I would consider excellent candidates. In the name of prudence I won’t share their names or initials, but God knows which three I lift before you, and I just ask that you’d lift them and pray for their discernment and for the Spirit to guide them. When they come through our doors, I want to you to be able to truthfully say “We’ve been praying for you”.

I am excited about a discipleship training event that the denomination is doing (I’ll be attending a workshop on Friday) and about a Staff-Parish training event that the conference is doing (Saturday).

God has much planned. I see a harvest that God is preparing and I look forward to one day saying “remember in 2007 when…”

What do you see?

Oh friends. It is good to be among you. May you be found to be a faithful servant of God –

Pastor Kerry

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