Wednesday, August 30, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.06

Greetings, saints and lighthouse tenders!

My introduction to the City of Spring (I recently moved from the Township of Spring) has been that the weather here is either hot, wet, or both. I met with the SPRC on April 8th, the day of the Bazaar, which you may recall was quite rainy. We moved in on June 26th, another day of much rain. There was at least one flood somewhere in July or August, and in the past four days I think we’ve logged a minimum of four inches of rain.

So yesterday in between downpours the sun was shining and we went outside to look for rainbows. We didn’t see any (did you?) but I started thinking about the old symbolism behind the rainbow, where God establishes a covenant “between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come…” (Genesis 9:12). It’s a two way covenant: God will not destroy the earth by flood again, and people will be accountable for the earth and for the lifeblood of every animal and man (or person, Gen. 9:4-5).

It’s a symbol of eternal hope and of being remembered by God, and as I was looking for the rainbow I was looking right at the church.

You are my rainbow. I have great hopes for the life that is going to thrive in this church.

I thank you for your prayers and your presence, and pray you are encouraged. If you could remember in prayer today:

Leonard S, still shaken by the news that his sister is in the hospital, still without information why;

Members who have had surgeries lately, or who are facing cancer treatments;

Persons who live with addictions or depression, that God may free them;

and all who travel this holiday weekend.

Pray also that we would be energized as we enter into the fall season, and that God would lead someone to lead our young people, as Lauren graduated this spring.

Thank you, and God be with you. Looking forward to seeing you soon, at the Lighthouse on the Hill. This Sunday is a communion Sunday, as well as Labor Day weekend –

Pastor Kerry

Friday, August 25, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.05 Upcoming Events

Greetings, saints and lighthouse tenders!

There are three upcoming events that I am interested in taking part in, and I am wondering if you know of anyone who might like to join me.

September 7th, this coming Thursday, there is a Ministry Fair at Valley Forge Christian College. It is an opportunity for SCUMC to "show our face" to the student body there, and could be a way we could find a Children's Ministry person, or perhaps look at 'contemporary worship' possibilities. The fair begins at 10am with chapel, and includes lunch. Please let me know if you would like to be a part of this, or if you have any suggestions.

Spring City Lion's Club is sponsoring a carnival at the Pool September 28-30, and is seeking the coordinated efforts of churches who wish to be involved. If we are able to commit persons for three nights, again "our face" will be out there and we stand the chance of sharing in proceeds.

This last one is a ways off, but October 15th is "Laity Sunday". I would like to know if any lay members would be interested in leading worship that day. Just planting the seed now.

Looking forward to seeing you in church on Sunday.

God is good, all the time!

Pastor Kerry

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.04 Katrina Recovery

To the saints at Spring City UMC, lighthouse tenders all –

Tomorrow, August 24, 2006, marks one year since Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast. I share with you the following appeal from the United Methodist Council of Bishops, who ask that pastors remind their congregations that “Katrina is not over”. There are still tens of thousands of displaced persons, and relief efforts from around the nation continue to work full-force to return the area to some sense of normal. Meanwhile, affected congregations and pastors press on.

The Council of Bishops letter:

Donate to the Katrina Church Recovery Appeal - Katrina is not over. Please join the efforts to restore our congregations, parsonages and mission facilities.

We mourn with our brothers and sisters their great losses while we embrace this opportunity for United Methodists to show commitment to our faith and to one another. Together we can restore mission and ministry while moving into a strong future. Please open your hearts and your wallets to the Katrina Church Recovery Appeal (#818-001). You donations will help to:

• Restore hurricane-damaged United Methodist facilities
• Pay salaries for clergy while their congregations cannot do so or until pastors can be reappointed or relocated to another church
• Establish new congregations or consolidate existing ones in storm-ravaged areas
• Renew church-based community ministries such as day-care centers and feeding programs
• Provide worship necessities—Bibles, hymnals, robes and so forth—to churches in need.

God is one who makes things new, through his body the Church.

If you would like to add you contribution to mine, please make a check out to Spring City UMC with “Katrina Church Recovery Appeal” in the memo line, and place it in a plain envelope similarly marked. This offering can be placed in our offering plates on Sunday, or turned in to the office at any time.

And thank you for your prayers for our church, our families and friends, and indeed, our world.

Allow me to close this note with a little boy’s prayer:
“Dear God, Please take care of yourself, cuz if anything happens to you, we’re all in a terrible mess”.

Leaning on His everlasting arms,

Pastor Kerry

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.03

Greetings, saints and lighthouse tenders!

This Sunday’s scripture readings include “Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise…” (Ephesians 5:15)

Today, August 16th, is also the 29th anniversary of the death of Elvis.

Elvis, as you know, was famous for changing the face of rock and roll in America. His rise to stardom and his legendary career have inspired fans and devotees for decades. So famous was he that the coroner, wishing to preserve his image, reported the cause of Elvis’ death to be “cardiac arrhythmia”. It was only uncovered much later that a number of prescription drugs caused the heart distress. Nowadays everyone knows that Elvis died from a drug overdose, and speculations abound as to whether it was intentional or accidental.

What is less often remembered and celebrated is Elvis’ devotion. In addition to receiving rock and roll accolades, he was recognized for his gospel music as well. He would frequently sing “How Great Thou Art” in concerts.

It’s unfortunate that this man of God was not careful or wise in how he lived, and that he is remembered for the things that took him away from God and indeed from life.

Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise…

If you would remember in prayer Bob B, who had knee replacement surgery last week, Mary Jane S who faces some medical treatments tomorrow, and 15-year-old Chelsea W, a friend of Carol V’s granddaughter. Chelsea is receiving chemotherapy for lymphoma.

Pray also that we would be energized as we enter into the fall season, and that God would lead someone to lead our young people, as Lauren graduated this spring.

Looking forward to seeing you soon, at the Lighthouse on the Hill –

Pastor Kerry

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.02

August 9th, 2006

Greetings, saints!

I am finding out more information about both the lighted cross and the name “Lighthouse on the Hill,” thanks to your responses. Nothing solid yet, but working on it. I will surely let you know when I find out!

I have several things to share with you today. At the moment I’m listening to a lovely rendition of “In the Garden”. It goes quite nicely with a quotation from John Wesley I was going to share with you today: On this date in 1765 John Wesley wrote in a letter: “You have but one Pattern; follow Him inwardly and outwardly. If other believers will go step for step with you, well; but if not, follow Him!”

As the song goes, He walks with me and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. Jesus walks with us; let us therefore do our best to walk with him, inwardly and outwardly.

I would ask your prayers for several people, if you are willing. Pastor Fred, my first United Methodist pastor, is having surgery today. It’s the first time he’ll be on the other end of a hospital visit. He asked if people would remember him today by doing a “random act of kindness”, as well as keeping him in prayer.

I have several sisters-in-law who are facing different medical issues; K is having gall-bladder surgery today; and D and J are finding out that their cancers are not responding well to treatments.

I lift before you Catherine W, who I just found out is having some stitches removed today, after a fall last week. Also recovering from a fall is Dorothy K, whom I visited on Monday.

Thank you, friends, for your prayers. They bind our body together and unify our spirits.

Peace –

Pastor Kerry

p.s. I encourage you to check out, a new local events website.

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