Friday, October 27, 2006


Edie update day 39

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers!

Melissa and I did visit with Edie on Thursday morning, and thought she was going great. She recognized me right away, she was sitting up in a wheelchair (I haven’t seen her sitting up this whole time). I told her a few weeks ago she told me she thought she was improving, and she said she remembered. She is in pain but she seemed to like it there. The therapy room has huge windows and a wonderful view, and her therapist recognized that visits are therapeutic too. We stayed about five minutes, I think. If you visit, don’t be afraid to find her in the therapy room, don’t be afraid to ask the therapist if you can visit, and do hold her hand and pray. And use gloves for your protection and hers: you are exposed to much more than she is, and you are probably stronger right now too.

Here’s the update. Remember to set your clocks back this weekend!

Pastor Kerry

Friday's update from Stacy: Day 39
Hi Everyone:

First, I apologize, I know there are people that still need to be added to my email list - it's been insanely crazy this week with work, getting mom situated and I am getting more emails than I can possibly get through, so I ask that you please forward this one to those I haven't yet added. Also, I'm going to try to answer everyone's questions in the emails I've managed to read:

*Mom was transferred to: Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital (contact Pastor Kerry for more information)
Mapquest has great directions

*Mark & I are still there every night and starting to alternate days.

*Mom is still on a feeding tube, has her wrists in braces and still has her neck brace on. They will be working very agressively to get her off the feeding tube and hopefully, the neck brace will be coming off Friday.

*MOM HAS SHINGLES: If you have had chicken pox, you're fine. If not, please put gloves on before visiting. If you have children at home who have not had chicken pox, you should put gloves on before visiting (they are on the wall to your left inside the door) and wash your hands before leaving. If you are planning to bring children, please be aware that if they have not had chicken pox, they can get them. The doctor said on Tuesday night (during her admission exam) that it did look like they should be clearing up in the next week or so - I'll keep you posted.

*They ENCOURAGE VISITORS, but do want them kept to about 2 - 3 people at a time. There are no "set" visiting hours, however, during the day she will be in different therapy's. Family is welcome to visit while she is in therapy and particpate. She is done therapy around 4:00 during the week. When she is able to be in a wheel chair and her feeding tube is removed, she can go to the lobby areas, gift shop, etc... They also encourage pictures marked with who is in the picture, the event and timeframe (we're going to work on a photo album for her). They will use these in her therapy.

*Mark & I will be going to meet with her case manager next Wednesday after her first case review. Each week all of her caretakers meet and report on her progress and change/tweak her needs and review them with us. So far, everyone we've met has been great! They have also encouraged Mark & I (& Mel & Pete) to try to spend a full day with her during the week to see what she's doing and to talk with each of her therapists. As soon as I have a slow day (or slower) I'm going to do that.

*She seems happy to be there. She's been talking a lot more since she got there and she's getting easier to understand. She got there a little before 7 p.m. Tuesday night and Wednesday was spent doing evaluations. They had her in her own clothing yesterday, sneakers & all! She was already in therapy today starting around 9 a.m. We'll have a daily schedule so we can see what she did each day. If you visit, please do not be upset if she doesn't make sense at times. If she does bring up seeing (or having seen) someone who has passed away, please be honest and tell her that they are gone. If she sees someone in the room that isn't there, tell her that you don't see them. We do tell her everything that has happened and is going to happen, so don't be afraid of saying the wrong thing.

As always, we thank everyone for everything, ESPECIALLY THE PRAYERS! GOD IS WORKING MIRACLES ON HER! We are SO HAPPY and EXCITED that mom's come so far so quickly! We ask for prayers that she continue to heal and have a full recovery!

Edie's kids

Spring City United Methodist Church
"The Lighthouse On The Hill"
Join us for worship 10:15am Sundays
and adult Sunday School 9am

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.21 / Edie update day 38

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers!

We are heading into the homestretch of the year – I keep hearing people say “Where did October go?” November is just around the corner. All Saint’s Day. Veteran’s Day. Thanksgiving. And then December. Advent and Christmas and New Year’s.

You know all of this. I don’t need to tell you the calendar.

As October comes to an end, I am reminded more and more about those end-of-the-year things we need to be taking care of at home and at church. It’s time to turn off the outside water pipes. It’s time to plant bulbs if you haven’t already. Time to prepare the lawn for overwinter and put the storm windows up.

And at church it’s time to prepare annual reports and make budget recommendations for 2007. It’s time to consider how you can share of your time and talents and treasure in 2007 as we project the ministry needs and wants that Spring City UMC has.

I’m excited. A bit nervous, to be sure, but excited.

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,” says the Lord. “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

As you pray, please remember Janet McK as she faces new struggles with her cancer. Remember Margaret G in her successful eye procedure. Pray for Faith Ann V, Barry’s sister-in-law, who has some heart blockage to deal with. And pray for our Bishops, who will be meeting in a world-wide gathering of 80 United Methodist bishops in Mozambique, the first week of November. They represent and lead some 11 million United Methodists worldwide.

Thank you for your prayers. I hope to see you soon at the lighthouse on the hill –

Pastor Kerry

Edie Lou Update Day 38 (Wednesday)

On Tuesday afternoon/evening Edie said fare-thee-well to Temple, and was relocated to the Bryn Mawr Rehab. She is in the Birch unit, room 150, and when she’s not in therapy or sleeping, can receive visitors briefly. It seems she has no therapies scheduled after 4pm, but I think her schedule before 4pm may be pretty full, as the folks at Bryn Mawr Rehab are going to work pretty aggressively to get Edie back on track. She’s had a wheelchair shower already, and they will be working on starting food pretty soon. All this is great news, and the family is thrilled at the new level of care she’ll be receiving, as well as the fact that Bryn Mawr is much closer.

Please continue to send cards to Stacy’s house. More updates as they come.

Thanks for your prayers – God is awesome!

Edie’s kids

Friday, October 20, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.20 / Edie update day 33

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers all!

Remembering our sister Edie on this Windy Day (oh my is it windy). It may be five weeks ago today Edie fell. 33 hospital days later, and hope is high!

See you this weekend at the Bazaar (Sat 9-2) and in worship on Sunday!

Pastor Kerry

From: Stacy
Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 2:17 PM
Subject: Edie Lou - Day 33

Hi All:

Well, it's Day 33 and Edie Lou's gonna show us how it's done! She has made INCREDIBLE progress since her surgery on Monday.

*She's now in Room 451A - a regular room on a regular floor - she's had enough of that ICU!!! (actually, SHE's done with that hospital & asked for her car keys last night)

*She's talking a lot more and it's getting easier to understand her - she has a little bit of a voice now. A Speech Therapist and throat specialist are working with her 5 days a week! They are trying to get her swallowing - they want to get her on solid food as soon as they can. They say that will be a huge help in clearing her head (she's still really confused about things a lot of the time , but somewhat clear at other times.)

*The casts are off her wrists and apparently, she will only need some braces at this point - I have yet to actually talk to a orthopedic doctor (VERY frustrating-they're quite elusive), but the nurse told Mark today that they now do not feel the need to do surgery (YIPPEE). Unfortunately, she was being a real pistol for Mark & Mel last night (picking at her tubes, neck brace and all that stuff, wanting it off - Now!).

*They had her sitting up in bed today (another milestone).

*They are only giving her morphine if she seems to need it (another thing fogging up her head)

*There will also be another therapist to come in and work with her to get her up to speed mentally.

*As soon as they can, they will also have physical therapy coming in (they had been waiting for clearance on her wrists)

How about that for miracles??? AMAZING!!! We're SO BEYOND THANKFUL!!!

Much Love,

Edie's kids

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.19

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers all

As I write this (after choir practice) I still have a snippet of a song bouncing around my head: “There’s a miracle in me because of Jesus… New life He gave me, and now I’m free.”

How wonderful it is to be free because of Jesus. To know that no matter what happens, He’s there. I know a certain peace because of it. I pray you know that same peace.

I was reminded today too that that peace is not ours just to stick in our pocket and hang on to. We should be ever prepared to share. Try taking up the phrase “Isn’t it a wonderful day God has given us?” and see where that takes you in conversations. You may be surprised.

I visited Edie again today. She’s no longer on the ventilator and she is still dealing with pneumonia, but I was rather amazed that even though she had C2 neck surgery on Monday, she was able to talk better today than last week. She would occasionally lift an arm up, aware that any movement she makes is exercise. There’s a miracle in her because of Jesus, no doubt. She misses you all, just as you miss her. I took her a picture that some of the church ladies (and Barry) posed for last week, all wearing goofy hats in Edie’s honor. Actually, you can see the picture by clicking on “Spring City UMC photos” to the left. Check it out.

Thank you for your prayers, faithful friends. And do pray for our church and its leadership as we move into the end of the year and there are reports and budgets and deadlines to meet.

Hoping to see you at the lighthouse this weekend –

Until then, God is good, all the time!

Pastor Kerry

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.18 / Edie Day 30

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers all –

Our sister Edie had her C2 neck surgery Monday evening, and preliminary reports are good. I plan on seeing her on Wednesday, and will send another update after that visit.

Thanks to you who participated in this past weekend’s Church Work Day (info in the newsletter coming out) and CROP Walk (3 walkers, and Sandy raised close to $500!!!)

And another ‘heads up’ that the Bazaar is this weekend 

Be sure to check out the “Edie Update Day 30” from Stacy.
And these emails “From The Lighthouse Keeper” are now online (you're looking at it now)
As well as pictures. Check ‘em out.

God is good, all the time, friends. Peace –

Pastor Kerry

Edie Update Day 30
Hi Everyone:

Sorry this is so late getting out today - I got to work at 6:15 a.m. my desk was so full, I could hardly get to it.

Monday was so good, I'm not even going to recap the weekend.

*Mom had surgery Monday to fix her C2 vertebrae - they went in through the front of the neck to put the hardware in . The surgery lasted almost 6 hours and at about 10:00 pm, the doctor came out and told us it went well. After making sure she was safe and sound in her room, we left.

*At 6:00ish Tuesday morning, I spoke to the nurse who said she was being very "feisty" (that's our mom!). She was taking her right arm (which has a heavy cast on it) and trying to get the respirator tube out! Unfortunately, they had to restrain her. They are still hoping to get the tube out today, but her heartrate and respiration tend to get very high when they do it (I'm sure it's very scary).

*At 11:00ish, Mark checked in the with the nurse and said she was awake and they were still working on weaning her off the respirator.

*They also hope to get her down to x-ray and check her wrists (we're hoping it'll be done by the time we get there after work). Hopefully, we'll have some word from Orthopedics.

It's quite a week already for mom! We're praying that it'll be easier sailing from here!

Keep prayin!

Much Love,
Edie's kids

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.17

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers all!

An Edie update and a few church reminders for you:

This coming Saturday the 14th is a work day at the church, 8am to noon. We'd love to see you some time Saturday morning as we put our hands together to take care of a few things on the property. If Saturday morning is no good for you, let me know and we'll find another time to set you up.

Sunday the 15th is Laity Sunday. Between now and Sunday think about these questions:
1) Why go to church?
2) Why go to Spring City United Methodist Church, specifically?
3) What hopes do you have for SC UMC?

Sunday the 15th is also the CROP Walk. If you haven't signed up to walk there's still time. If you would like to sponsor someone, I would be happy to walk on your behalf, and you can sponsor me! Sunday is not too late to walk or sponsor.

I visited Edie in Temple today. She opened her eyes and turned her head as soon as I walked in. She is no longer ventilated (I believe that's been about a week now) and she is fed through a tube in her stomach. She does have a neckbrace on (as she has had since day one) as well as casts on both forearms. She opened her eyes and smiled, and she whispered to me that she had infected lungs and broken wrists, but that she thinks she's improving. How nice it was to have a bit of conversation that was not one-sided! I told her that some people will do anything to get out of the Bazaar, and she smiled some more. I gave her greetings from all of you and prayed with her, and returned home. Stacy tells me neck surgery is now planned for Monday. They knew about a C2 fracture long ago, and more recent scans show that what was once a hairline fracture is no longer just that, so they want to put a screw in. However they want to get a better hold of her pneumonia before addressing the fracture.

How great is our God, the giver of life. Lives are being touched through the congregation of Spring City UMC, dear friends. Mine included.

Peace on you and your family in His name --

Pastor Kerry


From the Lighthouse keeper 6.16

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers, all!

Today was one of those days where when I finally got to the office I said “can another thing go wrong today?”

I have a long list of things that just didn’t go right today.

Although the list actually isn’t that long.

And the “things that just didn’t go right”? They’re miniscule: There was traffic. And spilled coffee. And phone-tag. And rush.

And I almost let those things block my view of God.

I had several wonderful visits today, plus I had the privilege of eating lunch with my daughter. There is light and love and life abundant, and it’s mine – it’s yours – it’s ours for the picking, if only we will pick it.

I have a sign on the wall in my study at church. It’s an excerpt from a book, and I’d like to share it with you. Following the excerpt is an “Edie day 23 update” from Stacy.

Claim God’s peace in your life today. And I hope to see you at the lighthouse on Sunday. Saturday even, if you want to lend your hands to the house of God for a span.

Pastor Kerry

From “Bringing ‘The Imitation Of Christ’ Into The 21st Century,” by William Meninger:

The Lord is speaking directly to my heart in all the events of my life. Only let me pay attention. Sometimes God cajoles. Sometimes God whispers. Sometimes God shouts. Often I let other cajolings, whispers, and shouts drown God out. This only happens when I permit it, but I can permit it so habitually that I become unaware of what I am doing. Let me begin now to listen to God’s voice.
This is what God is telling me: “You are my child, and I love you. I want to be your source of contentment, your place of comfort and safety. Stay with me, abide with me, and you will find peace for your soul. I know the power that fleeting attractions have for you and wish you the good use of them. After all, everything that is was made to facilitate love. Only do not turn to them for what they cannot give. Use my gifts unto my service and to show your love for others, but never forget that real happiness lies only in me.”


Edie update day 23

Hi All:

A quick update:

* Saturday night, mom was transferred from Trauma ICU back to Neuro ICU (a bed opened up).

* Sunday, she was moved from Neuro ICU to Cardiac ICU (they needed a bed in Neuro again). Mel was there Sunday and got them to start moving her legs a bit. She's VERY stiff and getting "drop foot" - it was really painful, but a necessary evil. They are going to have PT come in and try to work with her.

* Monday, we were told she had a good day. When I got there after work she was alert and trying to talk. She managed to whisper, "Hi, I Love You". She is still battling pneumonia - I did a lot of suctioning. After about 20 minutes, she started having a lot of pain. They gave her pain meds, which after 1/2 hour hadn't really worked, so they gave her more. Her heartrate came down and she was resting comfortably when we left. The night nurse did some more work with moving her feet and legs after we left.

* Tuesday: her nurse tells us she's having a good day, though her lungs still seem full. Her temp and heartrate are good today. I'm going to try to speak to a doctor tonight and find out where we are with her neck surgery. It's difficult to pin down a doctor when she's off the Neuro ICU.

Also, please forward any cards to our home address since she's moving around so much, it's taking forever for them to get to her. I take them and read them to her every night when she's alert. She does smile and nod as I show them to her and read them.

Just an FYI - anyone calling on my cell in the evenings won't be able to get through (I'm in the hospital room and they're very strict). We're also trying to cut down on calls to the cell phones because of our bills. You can catch Pete at the home number in the evenings, but please try not to call after 9:00. On the weekends, also, please use our home number and unless it's an emergency, please call after 11:00 a.m. We're trying to have a little bit of down time and catch up time on the weekend mornings before leaving for the hospital. THANKS SO MUCH!!!! We do appreciate all of the calls and are happy to give everyone updates. We're always sure to tell mom who we talk to and what they have to say.

Again, thanks so much for your prayers, cards, thoughtfulness and love. If there's anyone I've missed, please feel free to forward this message.

Much love,

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.15

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers all!

Included in this weekly installment is a Tuesday update on Edie (direct from Stacy) as well as a letter from the Bishop regarding the tragic shooting at the Amish school in Lancaster County. Thank you for your prayers regarding both issues. I personally have been wondering whether the media will have helicopters showing the funeral procession for the Amish girls, and I hope and pray they will not. To that end I encourage two things: if you have any contacts with TV stations, let them know you hope they respect the isolation the Amish wish for, and that you hope they don’t show helicopter coverage of these funerals. I don’t know if it’ll do anything, but my hope is that people around the nation will be respectful of this culture within our culture.

Once again, people ask “How can such terrible things happen to such good people?” We ask out of deep pain and anger, out of confusion and out of helplessness. We wonder how our good Lord could allow such things. I look forward to a day when that understanding will be made clear, and until that day I tell myself “I will have nothing to complain about when I stand before the Lord. I will have no charges to bring against him.” And I re-read the promises of God that say “I will be with you always,” and “the steadfast love of the Lord endures forever.” “You are my child, and I love you.” I trust that those promises hold for all who suffer, and for those who are affected by accidents or by acts of brutality.

Thank you for your prayers, friends. God is good, and we are bearers of His light, thanks be to God. Be encouraged,

and hope to see you at the lighthouse soon.

Pastor Kerry


Edie update day 15

Tuesday’s Edie Update from Stacy:
Hi All:

Sorry I haven't gotten an update out sooner, Monday was hectic. Here's the latest:

* Mom had surgery Monday - they put a feeding tube into her stomach, set & casted her right wrist and re-splinted her left wrist (will probably still need surgery on the left wrist, but they weren't comfortable doing it at this point). She did well during the surgery and was still down for the count last night from the anesthesia, so we just stayed there and watched her rest. They told us that she's very alert this morning!

* Today they will continue to work on getting her off the respirator again.

* They moved her to the Trauma ICU, Room 9xx (we don't know why, neither did the nurse this morning, I'll get the scoop when we're there this afternoon).

* Still running a low grade fever. They continue to look for the source and keep adjusting her antibiotics.

* Her pnemonia is under control right now and they continuously monitor it with chest x-rays.

* They will be moving her central line today - it's become infected - we discussed a permanent pic line (which would have to go under her arm due to the broken wrists) or moving this one - the doctor felt he was a little more comfortable with moving to the other side instead of a permanent one at this time (which is a good thing).

* Still working on weaning her off the "brain drain".

* For those who have asked, she still isn't able to have visitors. We'll let you know when she can and appreciate that you want to see her.

As always, we appreciate all of the thoughts, offers of help and most of all your prayers!!!! Please keep 'em comin!!!

Edie's kids


From the Bishop

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

On Monday, October 2, a random act of gun violence in the very heart of our Eastern Pennsylvania Conference took the lives of three Amish school girls and wounded eight more. The gunman, Charles Carl Roberts IV, then took his own life, leaving behind a widow and three young children.

Innocent lives have been taken senselessly, again due to gun violence. God weeps for his children who were the victims of this act of handgun violence, for their families, and for all of us, as we are all victims of these senseless violent acts.

United Methodists immediately responded to the incident, trying to assist the victims’ families and others grieving in the shocked community of Paradise, Pennsylvania. I give thanks for these laypersons and pastors, including the Rev. Jim Todd, superintendent for the Southwest District in Lancaster County, who, as members of the Body of Christ, shared God’s love with a hurting world.

I urge you to commit to pray in your communities, in your churches, and in your personal daily prayers:

Pray for the families of the Amish girls who were killed and who were wounded, and for the family of Charles Carl Roberts.

Pray fervently for an end to gun violence in the town of Paradise, in the City of Philadelphia, in whole region, and throughout the world.

Pray for our elected leaders who are responsible for the laws that will keep the peace, and for public servants who maintain the peace here and abroad.

Pray for peace and for the restoration of God’s Kingdom on earth.

Yours in Christ,

Marcus Matthews, Bishop of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church

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