Thursday, September 28, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.14

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers!

I missed Wednesday by a few minutes, but I’m glad I did. I got the following message last night – it was sent to me Wednesday afternoon from Stacy (Edie’s daughter).

After Stacy’s “Edie update” is a “letter from God” I received from another prayer warrior.

I did visit Edie today; she opened her eyes, acknowledging my presence, but that was about all the response I got from her. I talked to her, read scriptures to her, and prayed with her, assuring her of the love of so many for her.

You may already have heard, about Mary Jane U, but if you haven’t, here are her details: Mary Jane died on Tuesday morning. Her funeral will be in our sanctuary on Friday at 11:00, with viewing at 9:30. Rev Jenkins will be celebrating her life with me.

I look forward to seeing you at the lighthouse on the hill this Sunday as we celebrate Worldwide Communion Sunday.

Pastor Kerry –

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Edie update day 9

Hi All:

I'm at work for my 2nd day since Mom's "accident" - it's tough! For anyone who got this in error, so sorry, just ignore, if anyone notices anyone I've missed, please feel free to forward. It's getting more difficult to keep up with calls since I'm getting in to work at about 6:30 a.m., trying to get 8 hours in and then head to Temple for the night so I thought I'd try this.

* No update on two clots in leg
* As of this morning at 10:00, she was having a very slow day - not very responsive all night or this morning.
She was that way last night while we were there too. She did "wake up" once and was desparately trying to tell us something, it's very upsetting that she can't talk and we can't understand what she wants.
* Still trying to work up to getting the drain out of her skull, hoping the temperature spike today is not infection setting in. The drain needs to come out ASAP, as of last night, they were hoping it would be tomorrow - will find out more tonight.
* Yesterday a speech therapist and throat specialist came in - she wasn't quite ready yet, they were coming back in today - she can't swallow.
* If they were unable to get her swallowing today, she'll have to have the feeding tube put back in (I'll find out about that when I get there after work).
* Still dealing with pneumonia - trying to cough up a lot of stuff yet, she is on two antibiotics for that.
* Weaning her off the drug to help relieve pressure at the base of her skull from that bleed.

We did hold up her prayer shawl from her church - when asked the next day if she wanted to see it again, she said yes!!! It's beautiful - thank you! We keep it on her bed at all times!!!!!


We can't thank you all enough!!!!!

Much Love,
Edie's kids


A letter from God

My Child,

Where do you think I live? Heaven? You're right, but I also live on earth through My Holy Spirit. I'm at work all around you, helping and advising My kids. But I'm even closer than that. If you're a Christian, I live inside of you. I feel what you feel. So when you need Me, you don't have to look far. There was a time in history when My people had to go into a tent or a temple to meet Me. Not any more.

Because Jesus died on the cross, now I can life inside of you. You're My temple now. I know your every thought. You can call on Me any time. I'm right here, as close as your heartbeat.

Your Heavenly Father,


Wednesday, September 20, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.13

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers

Edie update:
There were two prayer services at the church today, each one attended by 12-15 folks. We shared in prayer and song and scripture, and recounted the details for people.

I visited Edie today and was encouraged (I'm gonna use that word till it collapses, I know) to see as she nodded in response to questions. Not every question, as if she were drifting in and out, but there were deliberate responses. She was aware of her kids' presence and of mine. She tapped her toes occasionally too.

They tell me they saw both eyes today. Edie is not 'out of the woods' but is responding better than expected, and all are giving God the glory and the credit for that.

I shared with people today (including Edie) from Psalm 63:

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you...
I have seen you in the sanctuary,
and beheld your power and your glory...
I will praise you as long as I live,
and in your name I will lift up my hands
(or tap my toes, as Edie's case may be) My soul will be satisfied...
On my bed I remember you...
I sing in the shadow of your wings.
My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me.

God is working in Edie, and in so so many. Praise the Lord for all his goodness.

Hoping to see you on Sunday at the Lighthouse on the Hill

Pastor Kerry

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.12 *prayer services*

Greetings faithful friends, saints and lighthouse keepers

I called this evening for an update before writing to you. No particular news, other than general encouragement.

Melanie tells me that Edie has been moving, that she's been kicking her legs, and at one point appeared to be crying. They believe she's aware of their presence, and that she's trying to respond.

The heart procedure went fine, and other tests have been done, though I know not the results.

I am encouraged.

I will be opening the sanctuary at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday and at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday for times of communal prayer. There will be some structure and guidance, and perhaps some hymns. Any and all are welcome at either time.

Some have asked whether there is anything they can do for the family, and the family is aware that the offers exist.

Peace, friends.

Pastor Kerry


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.11 *Edie update*

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers

I just got off the phone with Edie's daughter-in-law Melanie. The family left Temple Hospital last night about 1030 (I showed up about 11) and returned this morning.

Melanie tells me that a precautionary procedure has been authorized for Edie - they're putting something in to prevent blood clots from fouling the situation up in the heart. Apparently a standard procedure for head trauma patients.

She says the family was encouraged last night by reports that Edie is stable (still critical), that she does respond to pain (a good sign) and that she is "a notch above a deep coma". The doctors have not felt it necessary to do brain surgery (another good sign). I know they did something yesterday to deal with the blood in the skull, but they haven't had to do more, I guess.

Melanie says that there are several prayer chains at several churches giving them lots of support, and allowed me to pass on their email addresses to you.

At this time I am planning to return to Temple some time on Wednesday. I'd also like to invite anyone who wishes to pray together to join me in the sanctuary at 10:30am on Wednesday. Respond if you would like to or would rather at a different time.

Peace, brothers and sisters. I leave you with these words from a friend:

I will lift Edie in prayer...adding my faith to yours and all the others. Together, we will know that God hears us. Edie is God's baby and God takes excellent care of His KNOW that is true. Trust Him with her...He is faithful.
I will also pray for you, my friend. God knows every detail, even those details that you have yet to be made aware of...and He LONGS & LOVES to intervene! Whether it is trials or triumphs...God is on the scene. No worries...only His presence causing victories to unfold. Yes, I will pray.

Pastor Kerry


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.10 *Edie update*

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers

Most of you heard from me yesterday regarding our friend and sister Edie (a long but short member of the congregation), who was found unconscious in her home on Monday morning, apparently the victim of some kind of assault.

The police, having gathered additional information since I last wrote, no longer believe it was an assault of any kind, but rather a terrible fall down concrete steps. The theory now is that Edie fell down her basement steps, possibly as early as Friday night. The injuries she has are apparently consistent with this. It seems that she was able to crawl back upstairs, but was apparently not in the state of mind to telephone anybody.

Her daughter found her on Monday morning. What happened before that is currently conjecture.

Edie was taken to Temple Hopsital from Phoenixville late Monday morning. She has had a number of tests and is in ICU, but I simply do not know her medical status, though I was with her twice Monday, including around 11pm. My understanding is that they are still waiting for her to wake up.

Friends, Edie is in God's hands. God knows what's going on, and knows what's best for Edie. Continue to pray for her and for her family -- her daughter Stacy and her son Mark, and their spouses and children.

Bless you, and thank you. Give me a call or stop by the church if you wish to pray there.

Pastor Kerry

Some verses from a song by Charles A. Tindley:

When the storm of life is raging, Stand by me When the storm of life is raging, Stand by me When the world is tossing me Like a ship upon the sea Thou who rulest wind and water, Stand by me

In the midst of tribulation, Stand by me In the midst of tribulation, Stand by me When the hosts of hell assail And my strength begins to fail Thou who never lost a battle, Stand by me

Monday, September 18, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.09 *Please Pray*

Greetings, saints and lighthouse keepers.

I just returned from the Phoenixville Hospital where our sister Edie F was taken this morning. Edie was found in her home this morning by her daughter. It is being investigated as an assault, and as I write Edie is being taken to Temple for treatment. The details I have are few, but it is possible that Edie was attacked in her home sometime this weekend. I prayed with Edie and family in the Emergency Room, but I cannot say whether Edie was aware.

I will be in touch with Edie's family members as the day goes on, and will be heading down to Temple this afternoon. When I know more I will share what I can.

Pray for Edie and family.

Pastor Kerry

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.08

Greetings, saints and lighthouse tenders!

God is good, all the time! Certainly you know that the attendance number is only one of many ways of evaluating a church’s health, but I rejoice to say that once again, I am encouraged in church attendance. There were no fewer than six first-time visitors in worship on Sunday, and I could count about as many “regulars” that weren’t with us that day, to boot. The Adult Sunday School kicked off with about sixteen in attendance. We looked at God’s promise to Abraham and talked about God’s timing and how very different it can be than our own timing.

Imagine how an hour can be either terribly short or terribly long. An hour of sleep can be wonderful but is nowhere near long enough to fully revitalize a person. An hour of a crying baby is enough to drive a person to their wits’ end. An hour can go by pretty quickly when talking on the phone to a loved one, yet an hour on the phone with the health insurance people seems like a day.

On this date in 1845 (the very year that Spring City heard its first sermon) William Walford's hymn, "Sweet Hour of Prayer," first appeared in print in the "New York Observer."

Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer / that calls me from a world of care, / and bids me at my Father’s throne / make all my wants and wishes known. / In seasons of distress and grief, / my soul has often found relief, / and oft escaped the tempter’s snare / by thy return, sweet hour of prayer!

In prayer we escape the cares of the world and receive strength to face those cares. We are able to share our hopes and griefs with Our Father, and find relief in Him, thanks be to God.

I thank you for your prayers and your presence, and pray you are comforted. If you could remember in prayer today:

The Leadership of our church, which met last night in Church Council;

Members who have had surgeries lately, or who are facing cancer treatments;

Persons who live with addictions or depression, that God may free them;

Thank you, and God be with you. Looking forward to seeing you soon, at the Lighthouse on the Hill.

Pastor Kerry

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.07

Greetings, saints and lighthouse tenders!

I was pleasantly surprised at the turnout on Sunday: 65 in worship, on this holiday weekend. I continue to have hope that God is stirring something good up here at Spring City UMC, and what a Great Cook God is! (you know, I’m not sure there’s a reference to God as the Great Cook, but there oughtta be ;) )

God is moving among us, friends. Do you feel it? I feel it as relationships are deepened and as new ones are made… as people in pain and in need are crying out to this church at the corner of Church and Broad, and as God is leading us to address those hurts and needs. It’s like a wind that is starting to blow. Now’s the time to wet our fingers and stick them in the air to check the wind – in fact, now’s the time to mobilize, to get into action. There’s a SPRC meeting tonight, there was a Trustees meeting last night, and coming soon is Church Council (Tuesday the 12th, 730pm) as well as a Children’s Ministry meeting this Sunday.

My daughter watched “Alice In Wonderland” a few days ago, and a line from a song is sticking in my head right now: “Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you join the dance?”

Won’t you join the dance?

I thank you for your prayers and your presence, and pray you are encouraged. If you could remember in prayer today:

Mary Jane S, giving praise for good test results and recovery;

Jack W, who I found out was recently hospitalized but is home again

Leonard S, who has talked with his sister Jean, who is recovering from a fall;

Members who have had surgeries lately, or who are facing cancer treatments;

Persons who live with addictions or depression, that God may free them;

Pray also for the ministry fair tomorrow at Valley Forge Christian College.

Thank you, and God be with you. Looking forward to seeing you soon, at the Lighthouse on the Hill.

Pastor Kerry

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