Friday, December 29, 2006


From the Lighthouse Keeper 6.29

Well, friends, this is the final FTLHK of the year 2006, and the year is going out with a bang. I’ve been to two funerals and a wedding in the past week, and visited four church members in the hospital. This after months of no funerals and one hospitalized member (Edie).

Please pray for Irma M, who spent a few days at Phoenixville Hospital and is now at Beverly Health Care in Phoenixville. While it was stroke-like symptoms that caused Irma to check in, no one is really sure what happened, other than it was not a stroke. Remember Irma and her sister Naomi.

Please pray for Wiletta B, who spent several days at Phoenixville being treated for her strokes (two mini-strokes). When I saw her on Thursday she intended to come to church this Sunday, and she’s scheduled to come home today. Remember her and the change in lifestyle she faces.

Pray for Sadie W, who broke her hip on Sunday night. It’s the same one she broke before. She spent several days at Phoenixville, and is now at HealthSouth in Reading (formerly Reading Health Care). Sadie just recently moved to the Bard complex (the old knitting mill).

Pray for Joanne M, who took an ambulance to the hospital earlier this week after a heart attack. She received excellent care right away (by the grace of God). They discovered a blocked artery, which they addressed with a stent. She’s been with family and friends, and should be home today.

I ask that you lift Darlene H in prayer, as well as Mary Jane S, both who lost their mothers within the past two weeks. If you would also remember the Fredericks family, who had to put their 9-month old puppy Laci to sleep this week, after infection from one of her four hernia surgeries.

I also share with you that our brother and former District Superintendent Ralph B and his family are in a new season of grief as their 31-year old son was killed in a car accident the day before Christmas.

Friends, I do not mean this to be a “downer” at the end of the year, but an opportunity to give thanks for God who is the wind beneath our wings. Many of us have experienced deep loss at one time or another, and many of us wonder how it is that people get through these things without The Good Lord. We who know God know where our strength comes from. “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:2).

I also know that each of these families mentioned is already touched by your prayers and your support. Thank you for your compassion. We are one body in Christ.

I hope to see you soon at the lighthouse, and I pray that 2007 brings you even closer to Almighty God.

Pastor Kerry

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